GFM Painting Designer brings museum quality masterpieces today to people around the world.
We believe art is meant to be enjoyed by all, and not just something to be viewed in the confines of a museum. Every item we sell is hand made in the traditional way, by talented, experienced artists, at a realistic price. No longer is the appreciation and collection of art limited to the super-rich. Each reproduction oil painting is hand painted from a blank canvas and will take approximately 4 weeks to complete (although this is dependent on how complicated the painting is). Throughout the painting process we will send you images of your painting. You will have full control of how your painting will look and your input will be invaluable to us. Our capable artists can execute almost all the old masters oil painting, including Van Gogh, Vermeer, Rembrandt, Renoir, Picasso, Stanhope Alexander Forbes, After J. Waterhouse, Henry Scott Tuke, James McNeill Whistler, John Constable, Pencz Georg, Pulma Vecchio, Holbien, Carravaggio, Paul Cezanne, Edward Hopper, Degas, Modigliani, Manet, Deacroix, Millet, Botticelli, and more.